Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The G A T B

          Ahem. Ahem. I have nothing in particular to say. Sunrises for me are meaningless, since I don't see them much from where I live. The hustle bustle of everyday life is catching up with me more than the shy glances of the sun among the canopies. I don't live in the forest if I must say. In fact, I live near the outskirts of the city, which is a thousand times calmer than most side streets I know. Things in our little community are haphazardly stacked above the other, but still manages to go on with the daily tasks on hand. In short, our little community lives in the chaos within the peace. Well, I would pick that over the dogmatic government of other communities stuck in limbo. 

          Eighteen years in this world showed me how the hierarchy of things could get you instantly sidetracked from the most beautiful things. Sunrises would be one of them. Firstly, preparing for school is my first goal after reading the bible every morning. I hate being tardy, but the hierarchy of it all is getting to my nerves, and certain things must be done before going to school. Okay. Shall we stop? I'm not making sense here, but most rants do.


 So, aren't you curious with that? Well, this people are my closest friends. I wouldn't call them anything else but that. Not best friends, because it seemed to put a limitation to our bonds. I would say closest, because they fill up an equal spot in my heart. Near the core of that beating organ that pumps blood and energy, which keeps us all moving, other than the Lord's intervention of course.
We all have differences, but its the little random things that count the most. The laughter, tears, pains, glories and all the others that we've experienced in our time together made the differences into similarities that kept us glued to our tightly knitted bond.. 
We met during our high school years. Back then, we were nothing but little dreamers, dreaming of impossible things, but when I think it over, those little dreams didn't seem so impossible now. Things have changed. We've grown. We learned to grow our own backbones and stood our ground, but albeit all that, we still look forward to the day of our reckoning.
Okay, that sounded a little out there. But, yeah. Life hasn't been easy you know. We were plagued by our own matters, and haunted by our inner demons. But with the help of Jesus, our Saviour, we pulled through and drove our own insecurities away. All hail the Lord!
To similarities we go then. We all love books! We drink in stories, like a sunflower drinking in the power of the sun. It's invigorating, especially the way we talk and huddle after finishing a certain book. We were like a book club. Some of us play computer games. We love to eat, and we love anime too! We are so random and our attention span is shorter than most girls our age. We love to have fun, and try not to bore ourselves with things. Trivial matters could easily be our way of laughing all fay.


  1. me miss the gatb.. <3 so deep and meaningful na first post, gel! xD


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