Thursday, December 27, 2012


                Many definitions pop up in your heads once you hear this word. Well, even I was baffled when I first heard this word. I mean, who would gladly give up themselves just for the sake of proving their point or faith? I probably won’t, but come to think of it-dying for what you believe in sounds heroic, noble even. Back then, I thought that martyrdom always comes with death, but now, I think it’s just a proof of how big your heart could be, and how it could endure anything. Even the fangs of death would not bar you because of this great faith.
                The word martyr came from the Latin word martirez, which means witness. Apparently, martyrs are known to have witnessed the truth, but still kept holding on to their faith no matter how excruciating the consequences are. This undying love didn’t have a huge impact on me before, but through the tests of time, I’ve learned to respect and look up to those martyrs who hold on to their words even if the effects of their actions could cause them more than just their lives. It’s amazing how their great love and faith could move mountains, even after they’ve experienced humiliation and pain.
                Some people casually shrug off the idea of martyrdom. Others would even condemn and criticize badly, because of their seemingly blind love for something. But, personally, I think those martyr people we hear from the television or from the gossips that reach our ears, are a thousand times note worthy than us. After all, they gave up their chance at happiness just for love. Take for example-Jesus Christ. He died for the sake of us sinners. Another would be Lorenzo Ruiz. He would rather die than renounce his faith. Pedro Calungsod is another one- a newly proclaimed saint by the Catholic Church- because he died protecting his colleagues. These people, although we never met them personally, are great examples of martyrs who would give up their lives just to redeem the eternal life promised by God.
                Ah, the very thought of eternal life makes me want to cry. Oh well. We’ll just have to do everything to prove that we are worthy to be called as children of the Lord. It’s not an easy path if I must say, but we could look at the martyr mothers who would take the beating of their sadistic husbands just to protect their children; or the martyr fathers who will work their fingers to the bones just to feed their family; or even your friends who will keep on extending their hands to you, even if you continually push them away. These simple acts of love are stepping stones towards achieving the eternal glory of happiness found in Heaven.

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